Rose Canyon Health & Wellness

Tips for a Healthy Gut

Our Mesa clinic provides integrative healthcare where the patient is the focus

The common gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea, constipation, abdominal cramps, nausea, etc. are not the only ones that you should fear when it comes to your gut health. Lately, researchers have been expanding the list of health issues that have been linked to our gut health. It seems that having too little or too much of that helpful gut bacteria can expose you to the risk of Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid issues, and even diabetes, among many others.

Preserving our good gut health is a must. But the question is – How can we do that? Is simply adding more probiotic-rich foods going to do the trick? Is there something else that we can do? The answer is – Yes, there is a lot that you can do in order to preserve your gut in perfect condition. And that is exactly what we are planning to do as a part of today’s article. We will share some awesome tips and tricks that are meant to help you boost your gut health.


10 Tips for a healthy gut


1. Take probiotics

Adding a probiotic supplement is a great way to improve the quality of your diet and with that your gut health. Probiotics are living good bacteria that your gut needs in order to maintain the balance that it exists within it. Invest in a high-quality probiotic to ensure the best health benefits.


2. Eat more fermented food

If you are not interested in using dietary supplements, then you might be more open to the idea of eating more fermented food instead. Fermented foods are an excellent, natural source of probiotics. Consume more of the following foods if you want to add more probiotics to your daily diet:

  • Kefir
  • Kimchi
  • Kombucha
  • Miso
  • Sauerkraut
  • Tempeh


3. Remove the added sugars and sweeteners from your diet

A 2015 study has shown that the Western diet, which is usually full of added sugars and unhealthy fats, actually harms the gut microbiome, causing imbalances to happen, and with that, contributing to the risk of the common health issues that we mentioned earlier. We highly recommend you to remove any added sugars, sugary beverages, and artificial sweeteners from your diet and replace them with fresh water and whole foods for the benefit of, not only your gut health but for the health of your entire body as well.


4. Reduce your stress levels

As if anything good comes from feeling stressed out day after day. Stress has been shown to have quite the negative effects regarding our gut health. Here, we would like to point out the importance of using effective methods such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercise, and massage to reduce your stress levels and, with that, protect your gut health.


5. Get enough sleep

An animal study done back in 2014 demonstrated the negative effects of having irregular sleeping habits, disturbed sleep, and sleep deprivation on the gut microbiome. Not to mention how having yet another sleepless night can contribute to feeling anxious, stressed out, and in a bad mood. So if you want to boost your gut health, get to bed early and get a good night’s sleep for a change.


6. Do not take antibiotics unnecessarily

Although antibiotics are quite useful and commonly used against bacterial infections, any unnecessary use of antibiotics should be avoided at any time. Antibiotics should be used only when there is an absolute need for them to be used. Otherwise, not only will your body develop a resistance to the commonly used antibiotics, but the antibiotics will also damage your gut, causing disturbances in the gut microbiome. Consult your medical provider before you decide to take any antibiotic on your own.


7. Be more active

The list of potential benefits from being physically active goes on and on. And what a surprise – it turns out that physical activity helps maintain good gut health, which in turn helps prevent obesity, which we all know has been linked to more health risks than we could count. So get off that couch and choose a physical activity that you will practice every day.


8. Eat enough fiber daily

One nutrient that we often forget about is fiber. Eating enough fiber is directly linked to good health, including good gut health. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the daily recommended fiber intake for women is 25 grams and 38 grams for men. To satisfy your daily needs for fiber, eat fiber-rich foods, including bananas, oranges, berries, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, veggies, etc.


9. Limit your alcohol and caffeine intake

Both alcohol and caffeine are described as digestive stimulants. Having too much alcohol and/or caffeine as a part of your diet can really harm your gut health, disrupting the digestive process. Not to mention all of the other negative effects that too much alcohol and caffeine have on our physical and mental health. Make sure that you limit your daily intake of alcohol and caffeine for the sake of your gut health.


10. Drink plenty of water

Start by drinking eight glasses of water each day. This is a great way to start properly hydrating your body. You will feel the beneficial effects on your entire health, including your gut health as well in no time.



The link between our gut and every other organ is inevitable. Having a healthy gut means that there is a lower risk of other health issues that commonly affect our physical and mental health. We hope that you will be using the ten tips for a healthy gut that we provided you today with. And if you want to learn more or you are facing a gut problem, come to Rose Canyon Health & Fitness where you can get all of your questions answered, and all of your issues treated right away!

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Tips for a Healthy Gut